Dinner with Love Tailor & The Dude

Friday, September 3, 2010

We are having some friends over for dinner tonight & it's going to be a challenge, which we love, cough cough ;)

By the sounds of it Love Tailor is on a very specific healthy diet (which I probably should be on), and she can only have a small piece of fish (i think) & some steamed veg ...
and The Dude is suffering from some; "i can't drink alcohol or my limbs swell" disease which I hope is not contagious! eeeeek! However, in great spirit, as only The Dude can pull off,  he is getting an INJECTION so he can drink tonight.  I feel special (teary eyed), proud, amazed, & worried all at once.

We have prawns & fish on the menu & by the sounds of it hubby & I will be the only two tipsy drinkers ;) Hey, more for us, not complaining... or I could be a good hostess and serve non alcoholic wine?????!!!!! Does this even exist?  JA NEE ;)

Tune in tomorrow for the low down on the evenings events....
Happy Friday all!

 I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
- Frank Sinatra


AestheticWaif said...

Non-alcoholic wine? That's as pointless as decaffeinated coffee... ;)

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